Languages Latin

Latin pronunciation – Lectio IV

Lectio IV (lēctĭō qŭārtă)

ĕgŏ pŏrtō
tū pŏrtās
ĭs pŏrtat
nōs pŏrtā́mus
vōs pŏrtā́tis
ĕī pŏrtant

ĕgŏ părō
tū părās
ĭs părat
nōs părā́mus
vōs părā́tis
ĕī părant

Părvae pŭĕllae āgnă grātă est. Pŭĕllă āgnae cēnam părat. Dŏmĭnă pŭĕllīs ĭmpĕrat: “Āgnīs ăquam pŏrtātē, pŭĕllae!” Pŭĕllae dŏmĭnae ŏbtĕmpĕrant. Bēstiīs ăquam pŏrtant.
āgnă, ae – jagnię
ŏbtĕmpĕrō, āre – być posłusznym
pŏrtō, āre – niosę, przynoszę

ĕgŏ ōrnō
tū ōrnās
ĭs ōrnat
nōs ōrnā́mus
vōs ōrnā́tis
ĕī ōrnant

Sĭlvă ōrnāta est stătŭā Mĭnĕrvae dĕae. Mĭnĕrvă gĕlĕā ărmātă est. Pŭĕllae cŏrōnīs dĕae āram ōrnant.
Ŭbi est stătŭă Mĭnĕrvae?
Stătŭa Mĭnĕrvae ĭn sĭlvā est.
Quō prŏpĕrant pŭĕllae?
Pŭĕllae ĭn sĭlvam prŏpĕrant. Cŏrōnās ĭn ārā cŏllŏcant.
gălĕa, ae – szyszak, hełm
cŏrōnă, ae – wieniec
cŏllŏcō, āre – umieszczam

Source: Tadeusz Marjan Lewicki, Początki nauki języka łacińskiego, Lwów 1926

I try to use the pronunciation proposed by Andrea Calabrese.

Great thanks to Scorpio Martianus for helping me with pronunciation. His vlog is an awesome resource of spoken Latin:

About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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