Languages Latin

Latin pronunciation – Lectio V

Lectio V (lēctĭō quīntă)

ĕgŏ pugnō
tū pugnās
ĭs pugnat
nōs pugnā́mus
vōs pugnā́tis
ĕī pugnant

Mĭnĕrvă pugnārum pătrōnă est. Dĭānă autĕm est sĭlvārum dŏmĭnă. Fĕrās bēstĭās Dĭānă nōn ămat. Dĕă săgĭttīs fĕrās bēstĭās nĕcat. Sĕd cĕrvae bŏnae bēstĭae sunt. Cĕrvās Dĭāna nōn nĕcat. Diāna est pătrōna cĕrvārum.
pugnă, ae – bitwa
pătrōnă, ae – opiekunka
săgĭtta, ae – strzała
cĕrvŭs, ĭ – jeleń
nĕcō, āre – zabijać

Quĭs ĭn sĭlvam prŏpĕrat? Quĭd sĭlvam ōrnat? Quĕm pŭĕllae ădōrant? Quĭd pŭĕllae ĭn ārā cŏllŏcant? Quĭs fĕrās bēstiās nĕcat?

N. fĕră bēstĭă
G. fĕrae bēstĭae
D. fĕrae bēstĭae
Acc. fĕram bēstĭam
Abl. fĕrā bēstĭā
V. fĕră bēstĭă

N. fĕrae bēstĭae
G. fĕrārum bēstĭārum
D. fĕrīs bēstĭīs
Acc. fĕrās bēstĭās
Abl. fĕrīs bēstĭīs
V. fĕrae bēstĭae

N. Ăncĭllă lăbōrat.
G. Ăncĭllae dŏmĭnă mātrōnă Rōmānă est.
D. Ăncĭllae dŏmĭnă tŭnĭcam dat.
Acc. Ăncĭllam mĭsĕram dŏmĭnă sĕvēră căstīgat.
Abl. Dē ăncĭllā mĭsĕrā mātrōnă nārrat.
V. O ăncĭllă, mĭsĕră es!

N. Ăncĭllae ĭn vīnĕā lăbōrant.
G. Ăncĭllārum vītă mĭsĕra est.
D. Ăncĭllīs mātrōnă tŭnĭcas dat
Acc. Ăncĭllās mātrōnă sĕvēră căstīgat.
Abl. Dē ăncĭllīs mĭsĕrīs dŏmĭnae nārrant.
V. O ăncĭllae, mĭsĕrae estis!

About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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