Languages Uzbek Vlog

My first attempt to speak Uzbek

Language is a means of communication. When learning it one has to communicate as much as possible. That’s my reason for making this video – to speak, to communicate with the world. I find Uzbek language very exotic and interesting. I want to speak it very well but I don’t get much chance to practise. For the film I prepared some sentences that I say/read. I’m not yet fluent enough to do it without such help but as they say repetītiō est māter studiōrum (practice makes perfect).


Qandaysiz? Yaxshi yuribsizmi?

Ismim Jan. Ismingiz nima?

Tanishganimdan xursandman.

Men Polshadanman va men o’zbektilini o’rganyapman. Men o’zbek tilini yaxshi ko’raman.

Men o’qituvchiman. Men Ingliz tilini va Polyaktilini o’rgataman.

Mening kuchukim bor. U chiroyli va baxtli.

Mening ko’p kitobim bor. Men kitob o’qishni yaxshi ko’ryapman.

Katta rahmat!

Mayli, bo’pti. Salom bo’ling!

About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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