Languages Latin

Latin pronunciation – Lectio III

Lectio III (lēctĭō tĕrtĭă)

N. părvă rānă
G. părvae rānae
D. părvae rānae
Acc. părvăm rānam
Abl. părvā rānā
V. părvă rānă

N. părvae rānae
G. părvārŭm rānārum
D. părvīs rānīs
Acc. părvās rānās
Abl. părvīs rānīs
V. părvae rānae

! părvă rānă vs părvā rānā

Rānae ăquam ămat. Māgna rānă părvăm rānam vĭtŭpĕrăt: “Rīpam vītā, fīlĭă! Rīpās cĭcōnĭae ămant. Saevās cĭcōnĭās vītā!”

cĭcōnĭă, ae – bocian
rīpă, ae – brzeg; brzeg rzeki
saevŭs, a, um – wściekły, szalejący, srogi
vītō, āre – omijać

Săpĭentĭam māgnae rānae fīlĭa vĭtŭpĕrat: “Egō hĕrbās rīpārum ămō. Hĕrbae părvās rānārum fĭgūrās ŏccŭltant.” Poenă stŭltĭtĭae māgnă est. Stŭltam rānam cĭcōnia dēvŏrăt.

ŏccŭltō, āre – ukrywać
dēvŏrō, āre – pożerać

N. săpĭentĭă
G. săpĭentĭae
D. săpĭentĭae
Acc. săpĭentĭam
Abl. săpĭentĭā
V. săpĭentĭă

N. stŭltĭtĭă
G. stŭltĭtĭae
D. stŭltĭtĭae
Acc. stŭltĭtĭam
Abl. stŭltĭtĭā
V. stŭltĭtĭă

N. māgnă săpĭentĭă
G. māgnae săpĭentĭae
D. māgnae săpĭentĭae
Acc. māgnam săpĭentĭam
Abl. māgnā săpĭentĭā
V. māgnă săpĭentĭă

N. māgnă stŭltĭtĭă
G. māgnae stŭltĭtĭae
D. māgnae stŭltĭtĭae
Acc. māgnam stŭltĭtĭam
Abl. māgnā stŭltĭtĭā
V. māgnă stŭltĭtĭă

! māgnă săpĭentĭă vs māgnā săpĭentĭā
! māgnă stŭltĭtĭă vs māgnā stŭltĭtĭā

Source: Tadeusz Marjan Lewicki, Początki nauki języka łacińskiego, Lwów 1926

I try to use the pronunciation proposed by Andrea Calabrese.

Great thanks to Scorpio Martianus for helping me with pronunciation. His vlog is an awesome resource of spoken Latin:

About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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