Languages Latin Vlog

Molestiae cum servo (Disce Latine Lectio III)

Marcus is in a hurry, he wants to get to see Septimum as soon as possible. His slave wakes him up, but where are clothes and shoes?

This is the third lesson from a very good (probably the best) Latin textbook ever published in Poland. The book is not available anymore but it sometimes can be found second hand.

Mŏlĕstĭae cŭm sĕrvŏ

Sĕrvŭs Mārcŭm ĕx sŏmnō ĕxcĭtăt. Pŭĕr fēstīnăt năm Sĕptĭmŭm ăd Pŏrtăm Ăsĭnārĭăm vĭdēre cōgĭtăt.

Fŏrŭm pŭĕrōs ĭnvītăt. Mārcŭs sĕrvŭm rŏgăt:

– Ŭbi sŭnt vĕstīmĕntă, Ĕpĭdĭcĕ? Cūr nōn ĭbī, ŭbi sĕmpĕr?

– Ĭbī, ŭbi sĕmpĕr, id est ŭbīquĕ – rĕspŏndĕt Ĕpĭdĭcŭs. – Ĕccĕ vĕstīmĕntă!

– Ŭbi sŭnt călcĕī? – rŏgăt Mārcŭs.

– Călcĕī? Ĭbī călcĕŭs, ŭbi cătŭlŭs. Cĕrbĕrulus călcĕōs măndūcăt – rĕspŏndĕt sĕrvŭs.

Ĕstnĕ ĭd vērŭm? Bēstĭăm tĕnē! Fēstīnā pŭĕr – Mārcŭs īrăm tĕnĕt. – Cūr ĭs nōn fēstīnăt?

Sĕrvŭs: – Prōvĕrbĭŭm mŏnĕt: Fēstīnā lĕntē!

– Hĕrclĕ! Sĕrvŭs prōvĕrbĭă ĕxcōgĭtăt, ăt dŏmĭnŭs ēiŭs călcĕōs ĕxspĕctăt.

Fēstīnā! – pŭĕr īrăm nōn tĕnĕt. – Ĕt prăndĭŭm părā, părăsītĕ!


Mārcŭs: Quĭd? Sălsāmĕntŭm? Dī ĭmmŏrtālēs! Sălsāmĕntă nŏcĕt, Ĕpĭdĭcĕ.

Ĕpĭdĭcŭs: Cūr, dŏmĭnĕ?

Mārcŭs: Sălsāmĕntă īrăm ĕxcĭtant!

I use classic restored Latin pronunciation. The text is very basic, so it is useful for beginners in the language.

The book: Wojciech Mohort-Kopaczyński, Teodozja Wikarjakówna, “Disce Latin 1”, PWN, Warszawa 2003.


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About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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