Languages Latin Vlog

De Marco Tullio Cicerone – easy Latin text for beginners

One of the greatest Roman orators was Marcus Tullius Cicero and we all want to speak Latin as he did. Another text from Język łaciński. Podręcznik dla lektoratów szkół wyższych tells us something about this person.

I use classic restored Latin pronunciation. The text is very basic, so it is useful for beginners in the language.

The book: O. Jurewicz, L. Winniczuk, J. Żuławska, Język łaciński. Podręcznik dla lektoratów szkół wyższych, PWN, Warszawa 2011; text: Rarus fortuna sua contentus, page 56; 58.

Dē Rōmānōrum nōminĭbus

Virīs Rōmānīs tria nōmina erant: praenōmen, nōmen gentīle et cognōmen. Exemplī grātiā clārō ōrātōrī Rōmānō nōmina erant: Mārcus Tullius Cicerō. Mārcus praenōmen est, Tullius – nōmen gentīle, Cicerō – cognōmen. Mārcī Tulliī Cicerōnis fīliae nōmen Tulliae erat.

Dē Mārcō Tulliō Cicerōne

Apud Graecōs et Rōmānōs multī et clārī ōrātōrēs erant. In numerō clārōrum ōrātōrum Graecōrum Dēmosthĕnēs, in numerō ōrātōrum Rōmānōrum Cicerō erat. Cicĕrō nōn sōlum clārus ōrātor sed etiam scrīptor ēgregius erat. Cicerō ōrātiōnibus suīs multōs virōs dēfendēbat. Vōs quoque Cicerōnis ōrātiōnēs et epistŭlās legĕre poterĭtis. Multa opĕra praeclārī ōrātōris nōbīs nōta sunt, exemplī grātia: Dē ōrātōre, Dē lēgibus, Dē officiīs, Tusculānae disputātiōnēs. Cicĕrō patriae podesse studēbat. Marcē Tullī Cicĕrō! Sors tua in exiliō misera erat! Virī doctī multōs librōs dē Cicerōne scrībunt et scrībent.

About the author

Ioannes Oculus

I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.

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