Oxford: A regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.
Cambridge: a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times, usually at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble
Polish: godzina policyjna; może odnosić się także do ograniczenia dla dzieci i młodzieży zarówno narzuconego przez władze np. miasta, jak i samych rodziców.
Spanish: toque de queda
German: die Ausgangssperre
They arrested something like 300 people last night for curfew violations.
He was shot for breaking the curfew.
When Mom and Dad are home, our curfew is midnight.
1. Please answer in the comments:
a. Did you have a curfew?
b. Is curfew a good idea for teenagers or not? Why?
1a.: No I didn’t.
1b.: I think it’s very good idea because must be order in my city.