Wielka defilada wojskowa 22 VII 1951. Na wzór podobnych defilad na Placu Czerwonym w Moskwie, minister obrony narodowej marszałek Konstanty Rokossowski w towarzystwie generała broni Stanisława Popławskiego (obaj pochodzili z armii radzieckiej) przejeżdżają przed frontem wojsk na pl. Dzierżyńskiego (obecnie pl. Bankowy) w Warszawie.
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About the author
Ioannes Oculus
I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.
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