Certe! Potes Latine loqui in interrete (e.g. forum Vox Latinae 🙂 Amici mei dicunt Latinam mortuam esse. Sed mihi videtur id falsum esse. Quare? Lingua morta incomprehensibilis est, nemo potes textum in hac lingua scriptum legere, intellegere. Et Latina? Latine legitur, scribitur, dicitur, novi verbi de mundo hodierno sunt, e.g. interrete vel computatrum. Ergo Latina vivit et vivat semper 🙂
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My current language goals
About the author
Ioannes Oculus
I am addicted to languages, both modern and ancient. No language is dead as long as we can read and understand it. I want to share my linguistic passion with like minded people. I am also interested in history, astronomy, genealogy, books and probably many others. My goals now are to write a novel in Latin, a textbook for Latin learners, Uzbek-Polish, Polish-Uzbek dictionary, modern Uzbek grammar and textbook for learners. My dream is to have a big house in UK or USA where I could keep all my books and have enough time and money to achieve my goals.
semper? 😀 Numquam!
Cieszę się, że zrozumiałam, co tutaj jest napisane, chociaż prawie nie znam łaciny. Trzeba mi będzie kiedyś zabrać się za ten piękny język…
Ave Latina in interrete!
Nonnullae linguae neglectae sunt, sed numquam mortuae. 🙂